Some people think O.J. Simpson was a murderer who got away with it. A court of law found him not guilty. Many feel it was the wrong decision. Some feel it was right.
Although we’re an opinion news website we’re not really here to opine on that part today. Former Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera however, had a lot to say:
“Usually don’t speak ill of the dead, but OJSimpson doesn’t deserve that mercy. He was an enraged, obsessively jealous double-murderer who hid his rage behind a mask of affability.
He exploited our nation’s racial divide to avoid being found guilty of the brutal, slasher killings he perpetrated on Nicole Brown Simpson, his children’s mother and her friend Ronald Goldman.
OJ nearly decapitated them, then left town, only to skulk back via the infamous white Bronco 405 Freeway car chase, ending in a downtown LA courtroom before a nearly all-black jury.
When the killer’s gloves “didn’t fit,” he was acquitted after the most sensational televised criminal trial in history.
The diametrically opposed reaction in real time of the elated black community and the outraged white community to the verdict, spoke more potently about America’s racial divide than any thoughtful essay ever could.
(More later.)”
O.J. Simpson was a legendary football player who achieved stardom for his rushing feats. He won the Heisman Trophy in college and became the first NFL player to rush for over 2,000 yards in a season. After retiring from football, he found success in broadcasting and acting.
However, his life took a dramatic turn in 1994 when he was accused of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. The highly publicized trial ended in Simpson’s acquittal, though the verdict remained controversial.
In 2007, he was again involved in legal trouble after being convicted of armed robbery and kidnapping charges. He served nine years in prison before being paroled in 2017. O.J. Simpson passed away on April 10, 2024, reportedly from cancer.
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